Shadow Projection

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MageSpells ● Shadow Projection
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Mind ●●●●●
Instant Mana
Vulgar Making
Duration Prolonged
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.218
The Mysterium : Walking with Gods
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This spell enables the mage to send her consciousness past the Gauntlet into the Shadow Realm.

The mage creates a psychic projection as she did to become Twilight with the Psychic Projection spell. This psychic form manifests an ephemeral silver cord connecting back to the body, with armor equal to the mage’s Gnosis and Health equal to her Willpower. The cord can be harmed only by aggravated damage. If this cord is severed, the mage must try to find her way back to her body by some other means (a daunting proposition).

Mysterium Rote: Walking with Gods

When necessary (and typically only when absolutely necessary), mages of the Mysterium are known to delve into the deepest reaches of the Shadow in search of long-lost knowledge. Such journeys are incredibly dangerous, and have been known to lead to encounters with things forgotten since the age of Atlantis (or perhaps even before)..

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